Whitaker’s Natural Market was founded by Marc and Jocelin Whitaker as a way of fulfilling their desire to work together as a family, helping others, and glorifying Yahweh (God) in their work.
Marc is the youngest of three children and grew up on his family’s 120 acre farm in Ohio where he raised Dexter beef cattle for over 10 years and was involved in the health food industry. Jocelin is an only child, and while she was born in Florida, she has called Ohio home for over 24 years. She has her degree as a Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy as well as PhD in Natural Health which was born out of herbs saving her life as a child and her love for learning and helping others. In total, she holds 9 degrees/certifications in herbology, homeopathy, aromatherapy, natural fertility, and naturopathy.
Marc and Jocelin were married in May 2015, and as they were praying about where Yahweh (God) was leading their family, they could see how He was putting their talents together to form Whitaker’s Farm Market now known as Whitaker’s Natural Market. Marc enjoys working with his hands, and he loves serving you, our valued customer! Jocelin loves interacting with people, so you will often find her behind the counter or in the store talking with customers as well as having an active practice as a Naturopath seeing clients.
Then in February 2017, they were joined by their little miracle baby, Yalissa. Yalissa was born at 27 weeks, weighing 1 pound 12 ounces and 13 3/4 inches long. After spending 4 1/2 months in the NICU with her, they were thrilled, by the grace of Yahweh (God) and answered prayers, to bring home a healthy little girl who is thriving. One of the things they have appreciated during this most recent journey is being part of a supportive community. Jocelin says, “We have enjoyed being there to help people with their needs and health concerns. Then when we needed the support, we so appreciated receiving it in like kind from our community. That is really what our store is designed to be…a community connecting place for life, health, and faith.” Yalissa is now a happy healthy 7 year old little girl enjoying exploring life and being homeschooled.
Stick around the store, and you might also meet Terry and Carol, Jocelin’s Parents, who are involved in many ways from bagging the bulk foods to graphic design to waiting on customers and more ways than we can keep track of.
Most of all when interacting with anyone in the family, you will quickly see their deep love for each other and Yahweh (God). As such, the verse they choose to sum up their mission is Colossians 3:17 “That is, everything you do or say, do in the name of the Lord Yeshua (Jesus), giving thanks through him to God the Father.” In their spare time, you can find them spending time as a family, playing a board game, and going for a walk.
We are also supported by an absolutely amazing staff who are very compassionate as well as knowledgeable and pass on their passionate love for natural health! Whether it is Christi, Jo, Margo, Pam, or Sarah helping you, we all seek to make sure you feel welcomed, questions answered, and the highest quality products and service provided.