Aleph Tav Body Cycle Oils



Essential Oil Blends Based on the Aleph Tav Body by Dr Alphonzo Monzo, ND.

ATB Cycle Essential Oils – Correlations and Usage Recommendations along with Ingredients:

 1st Cycle = Controls the lymphatic-immune system, the central nervous system, some digestive function, cellular tissue – skin and skin cells, beginning of movement.

Worry or preoccupied

Application = Topical, bottom of feet or any Hebrew Control point from #1-4

Ingredients: Organic Almond Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Lemongrass Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Oregano Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Myrrh Essential Oil, Clove Essential Oil.


2nd Cycle = Controls respiratory system, digestion, deep skin, fascia, helps the elimination of toxins from the body. Controls the overall function/health of the teeth.


Application = Topical, bottom of feet or any Hebrew Control point from #5-15

Ingredients: Organic Almond Oil, Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, Angelica Essential Oil, Melissa Essential Oil, Rose Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Jasmine Essential Oil.


3rd Cycle = Controls blood functions including blood sugar, liver and gallbladder, brain and vision functions, joints and CNT, partial control over digestion, thyroid, and reproductive organs. Also controls peripheral nerves of the body. Anger/frustration

Application = Topical, bottom of feet or any Hebrew Control point from #16-22

Ingredients: Organic Almond Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Angelica Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Grapefruit Essential Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil, Cinnamon Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil.


4th Cycle = Control’s water and muscles in the body, urinary and reproductive systems, neuro-endocrine system, partial control over immune system – more specific to special forces of the immune system. Ears and hearing issues. Low back and leg issues. Fear/lack

Application = Topical, bottom of feet or Hebrew Control point #23

Ingredients: Organic Almond Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Lemongrass Essential Oil, Oregano Essential Oil, Cinnamon Essential Oil, Clove Essential Oil, Wormwood Essential Oil, Spikenard Essential Oil.


5th Cycle = Controls cardiovascular system and part of the digestive system, provides protection to the body via skeletal system, also controls some of the brain, eyes, ears, thyroid. Blood cells and stem cells in the bone marrow, fifth cycle has great regeneration and recovery abilities for the body. Effort/trying hard/willful

Application = Topical, bottom of feet or any Hebrew Control point from #24-26

Ingredients: Organic Almond Oil, Marjoram Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Roman Chamomile Essential Oil, Allspice Essential Oil, Red Thyme Essential Oil, Helichrysum Essential Oil, Bergamot Essential Oil.


6th Cycle = Controls the spirit and soul aspects of man, has to do with relationships and connection, thus fellowship. Also, controls some aspect of all physical biological systems. It is the bridge between 7th cycle and the first five cycles. Special correlations to breathing, blood, personality, vitality.

Application = Topical, bottom of feet or Hebrew Control point #27s

Ingredients: Organic Almond Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Myrrh Essential Oil, Sandalwood Essential Oil, Rose Otto Essential Oil, Melissa Essential Oil, Cassia Essential Oil, Spikenard Essential Oil.


7th Cycle = 7th cycle is the light of the body, the Source of all life, Yeshua/YHWH, continually providing life to us and holding us together. 7th cycle is the Breath of Life that animates our physical bodies (earth) to allow the spirit of man to live in a temple of clay. It relates to ALL functions of the body!

Application = Topical, bottom of feet or Hebrew Control point #27s or belly button

Ingredients: Organic Almond Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Myrrh Essential Oil, Angelica Essential Oil, Cinnamon Essential Oil, Myrrh Essential Oil, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Myrtle Essential Oil, Juniper Berry Essential Oil.