Bach Agrimony Flower Essence – 0.7ml


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This remedy is for when you hide problems behind a cheerful face. Those that would benefit from Agrimony often appear carefree and humorous, but their joie de vivre is a mask for anxieties, worries and even real inner torment, which they could be trying to conceal from themselves as well as others. They dislike being alone and are very sociable, seeking company as a distraction. Agrimony people may suppress their discomfort with the aid of drinking, or the use of drugs or comfort eating.

The positive potential of Agrimony is for those who are genuinely cheerful and good company, communicate their real feelings openly and can accept that life has it’s less pleasant side. Their cheerfulness stems from a real sense of self-acceptance and inner joy; they see problems in perspective and are diplomatic peacemakers.

5x dilution of Agrimonia eupatoria HPUS