Backyard Farming: Canning & Preserving (Papaerback)


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The homesteader’s accessible, comprehensive guide to canning and preserving the produce grown in your own backyard garden!

Turn your backyard farming into a year-round success with over 75 canning recipes and expert advice on preservation methods, supplies, and much more.

Learning to preserve your harvest for use year-round is an essential craft for backyard farmers and homesteaders. This guide will make certain your home preserving is a success as it walks you through every step of the most popular forms of canning.

In Canning & Preserving, you will:

• Explore tried-and-true food preservation methods
• Learn to properly use the equipment needed to make the most of your harvest
• Create flavorful syrups and juices, for use in a variety of healthy recipes
• Enjoy over 75 delicious recipes year-round, using preserved foods

Covering hot water bath canning, pressure cookers, pickling, and preparing jams, jellies, preserves, and sauces, Canning & Preserving helps you find the perfect use for your preserved harvest.

Join the growing movement of homemakers and homesteaders looking to make a return to a healthier, happier way of life—direct to your kitchen from your own backyard.