Capsicum – 60 ct


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Capsicum has been known to be beneficial to the mucous membranes. It is also good for eyesight as well as smooth skin. The vegetable encourages healing and helps the body ward off infections. Capsicum promotes cardiovascular health, by helping lower blood pressure. The vegetable has antioxidant properties, which help neutralize the free radicals responsible for damaging tissue and cells. Capsicum is full of anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce cholesterol and thus, is effective in warding off strokes and heart attacks. It has been seen that capsicum speeds up the metabolism and helps burn more calories. Thus, it is good for those trying to lose weight. It has proved to be quite beneficial for treating colds and fevers. Capsicum stimulates stomach secretions and improves digestion. By helping lower triglycerides, the vegetable helps keep cholesterol in control. Capsicum is known to have a laxative effect and is good for those suffering from constipation. It triggers the release of endorphins, the neurotransmitters produced in the brain, which reduce pain. Regular consumption of capsicum is believed to be beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. Capsicum has been said to be helpful in improving digestion, as it increases the stomach secretions. Capsicum has been found to be useful in the treatment of chronic rhinitis. The vegetable has been found helpful in slowing down the assimilation of fat in the intestines. Regular consumption of capsicum can help the body fight against obesity. The vegetable is rich in beta carotene, capsaicin, and vitamins A and C, all of which work together to prevent a host of diseases, including liver disease and impotency. Capsicum has the ability to starve cancer cells and tumors of oxygen, thus making them die. Many herbalists recommend the vegetable for treating sluggish metabolism, cold hands and feet; obesity, and respiratory tract infections.  Capsicum can also be used externally, for treating arthritis, sore back muscles, rheumatism or sprains, and bruises.

Normal dose: 2-3 Capsules daily with 8 ounces of water.