Crave Stop – 60 capsuless


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We’ve all been there – reaching for that tub of ice cream to deal with a bad day or grabbing a sugary snack as a quick pick-me-up in the afternoon.  Unfortunately, munching on sugar-laden snacks or reaching for a brownie when you’re feeling down only makes you crave more sugar.

You try to make better food choices, but did you know that even some foods marketed as “healthy” can contain added or hidden sugars? On average, North Americans consume more than 140 lbs of hidden sugars in their food. All of these sugars – known or unknown – may quickly satisfy your hunger or even give you a rush of “feel-good” brain signals, but these results are short-lived and often leave you wanting more.

There is often a focus on weight as a result of consuming too much sugar which makes sense considering 70% of American adults are overweight or obese, but the toxic effects of a steady supply of refined sugars on your body and overall health can be dramatic, long-lasting and far beyond what you see in the mirror.

Crave Stop™ supports your brain and body’s fight against the negative impact of sugars in food by:

  • Supporting healthy blood sugar metabolism*
  • Supporting the body’s natural resistance to stress*
  • Supporting healthy adrenal function*
  • Supporting a healthy appetite*

Consider taking IN•JOY with Crave Stop to help with the emotions and moods related to sugar cravings!

Crave Stop is an award-winning, potent blend of minerals and herbs that help you manage sugar cravings and supports a healthy appetite.

Key Ingredients

InSea2® is a blend of natural polyphenols from 2 wildcrafted brown seaweeds that supports healthy blood sugar levels after meals.* This non-GMO ingredient works in the gut on 2 pathways before sugars and starches can reach the blood stream.  By focusing on the “In-Phase”, InSea2® can interrupt the sugar and starch pathway in the digestive tract before they even have a chance to affect the brain and body.  In simple terms, InSea2® closes the door on sugar and starches.

Crominex® 3+ – a complex of amla berry and Himalayan Shilajit – provides the body with chromium, a mineral necessary to support healthy blood sugar levels.*

Our Healthy Appetite Blend of Gymnema sylvestre and American ginseng help you manage sugar cravings by supporting pancreatic health and supporting the body’s natural defense against stress, a common trigger of sugar cravings.*