Eggplant, Long Purple


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Solanum melongena var. esculant. Warm Season Heirloom Plant.

Japanese eggplants produce big crops of mild flavored, slender fruits. The attractive fruits and flowers make a nice addition to the vegetable garden. Use like any eggplant for grilling with a little olive oil, stuffed, or in stir fry. Eggplant is best started indoors unless you have a long growing season. Sow indoors about eight weeks before transplanting. Keep in a warm location while germinating. Transplant after spring weather has completely warmed. Harvest fruits when about 6″ long and dark purple.

Certified Organically-Grown Seeds
No Chemical Fertilizers
No Seed Treatments
Non-GMO Seeds

Planting Depth: 1/4 inch
Plant Space: 24 inches
Row Space: 36 inches
Sprouts in: 10-15 Days
Matures in: 75 days