MCS-2 – 90 ct


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MCS®-2 (Metabolic Clearing Support) is a unique formulation combining vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanical components, and other nutritive synergists to support healthy Phase I and Phase II liver detoxification pathways. Vitamin A, along with vitamins C and E, serve as cofactors for Phase II enzymes. Vitamin A is also essential for the normal functioning of the immune system, and acts as an important antioxidant, via its ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species. Carotenoids exhibit an extraordinary capacity to quench singlet oxygen molecules. Additionally, various trace minerals also play an important role in both detoxification and metabolic support. Herbal components are also known to possess hepatoprotective actions, and thus serve an important role in liver support during metabolic clearing and detoxification. MCS®-2 supplies a unique blend of herbs to support these processes, including milk thistle, lycium berries, cleavers, culvers, burdock, and red clover.