Neuro-Chord – 2oz


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Neuro-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to the toxic load of the nervous system. A healthy nervous system ensures effective communication and control for the body’s internal environment.

For symptoms such as difficult concentration; irritability; occasional twitching, tingling, spasms, numbness, or needle-like pains.

Active Ingredients:
59.1 mL contains 2.7% of Agaricus muscarius 12X; Alumina 15X, 30X; Arsenicum metallicum 15X, 30X; Cadmium metallicum 15X, 30X; Coenzyme A 12X, 30X; Conium maculatum 12X, 30X; Cuprum metallicum 15X, 30X; Gelsemium sempervirens 30X, 60X; Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Latrodectus mactans 30X; Naja tripudians 30X; Phosphorus 12X, 30X; Plumbum metallicum 15X, 30X; Pyridoxinum hydrochloricum 12X, 30X; Rhus tox 12X, 30X; Riboflavinum 12X, 30X; Sarsaparilla 6X, 12X; Thiaminum hydrochloricum 12X, 30X; Zincum metallicum 15X, 30X.

Inactive Ingredients:

Alcohol, Vegetable Glycerin, Purified Water.

Energetix is a professional-grade product line administered only by health practitioners. In order for clients to make a purchase, please contact us directly to work with Dr. Jocelin, Naturopathic Doctor, assess your health needs, and help you find the best matches including these amazing Energetix products.