Pre-Mense-T™ – 60 ct


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Health Benefits

Pre-Mense-T™ supports normal menstrual cycles and hormonal balance, by nourishing the reproductive organs and supporting tissue tone and circulation. It also soothes breast tenderness and menstrual cramps.

Common Supplement Results

PreMense-T™ usually needs to be taken over a period of at least 2 months before effects will become apparent. This gives the body enough time to help hormones rebalance, so that cramps, breast tenderness, and irritability starts to diminish or become less intense.

Everyone is different, and results will vary from person to person. The key is to maintain consistent use every day to see best results.

Suggested Use

Take two capsules every morning with or without food.

Why We Created Pre-Mense-T™

Do you dread “that time of the month” when it seems like your hormones wreak havoc on your life? Are you too tired to exercise, too uncomfortable to socialize, and in too much pain to even get a good night’s sleep? You are not alone. An overwhelming 85% of women have menstrual cycles that include discomfort and disruption – at a minimum.

That’s why we created Pre-Mense-T™ to help support hormonal balance without the side effects of pharmaceuticals. We use natural ingredients that help with circulation, which in turn helps your body manage breast tenderness and menstrual cramps.

We use plants and vitamins like Crampbark, Dong Quai, Chasteberry, and Vitamin B-6. We even use a common superfood, Ginger. All of these works together to help support your reproductive organs and the tissue around them.