Relax-Tone – 2oz


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Relax-Tone® is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms such as stress, muscle tension, and mental tension. Stress and tension are often associated with a wide range of other symptoms such as nausea and sleeplessness.

For symptoms of stress, anxiety, muscle tension, nervousness, sleeplessness, mental exhaustion, headaches, and backaches.

Active Ingredients:
59.1 mL contains 8.3% of Calcarea carbonica 12X, Coffea cruda 12X, Humulus lupulus 10X, Ignatia amara 12X, Kali phosphoricum 12X, Moschus 12X, Nux vomica 12X, Passiflora incarnata 4X, Phosphorus 12X, Pulsatilla 12X, Staphysagria 12X, Valeriana officinalis 4X.

Inactive Ingredients:

Alcohol, Vegetable Glycerin, Purified Water.

Energetix is a professional-grade product line administered only by health practitioners. In order for clients to make a purchase, please contact us directly to work with Dr. Jocelin, Naturopathic Doctor, assess your health needs, and help you find the best matches including these amazing Energetix products.