The Real Truth About the Dangers of Stevia and Xylitol (Book by Dr Jocelin Whitaker, ND)


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The Real Truth About the Dangers of Stevia and Xylitol

Stevia and Xylitol are highly popular “natural sweeteners” found in many health products, but what if I told you they were actually toxic poisons for your body? Read the whole story on The Real Truth about the Dangers of Stevia and Xylitol and how to use truly “natural sweeteners” instead. Prepare to have your mind shocked as things you do not normally hear the “natural health experts” discuss is disclosed!

64 pages in length.

By Dr. Jocelin Whitaker, ND, CA, DBM, CFC, CNC, HHP, CCHA, CBET

Dr Jocelin Whitaker is a Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy as well as having her PhD in Natural Health and seven additional degrees and certifications. She is married with one daughter, owns a health food store with her family, lives on a 44 acre organic farm, runs her own line of essential oils, and has an active practice where she sees clients, travels and speaks, and teaches classes. Having been involved in the natural health field from childhood, she is extremely passionate about real health naturally.