Sweet Corn Natural Bright XR


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Exceptional white sweet variety is packed with flavor and xtra-tender quality! 8-inch long ears boast an appealing husk package and strong lodging resistance. Excellent seedling vigor and resistance to common rust (RpG).

Botanical Name: Zea Mays

Matures In: 74 days

Planting & Harvesting
Seed Depth: 1-2″ (3-5cm)

Plant Space: 12″ (30cm)

Row Space: 36″ (91cm)

Sprouts In: 8-12 days

Corn is a warm season tender annual and requires high fertility and deep, well drained soil. Plant in well drained fertile soil with a pH between 6.0-6.8. Can tolerate heavy soils. Fertilize ground well in spring with high-quality compost or a complete fertilizer. Direct sow after soil has warmed to 65 degrees F and all danger of frost has passed to ensure germination, optimal temperature for germination is 85 degrees F. For transplants, start indoors 4 weeks before last frost. Plant in blocks of at least 4 rows for adequate pollination. Side dress with fertilizer at 12″, or when leaves start yellowing.

Harvest when ear silks have dried down, kernels are filled to the top and have colored up. Corn is generally ready 18-24 days after the first silk has formed. For best quality, eat right away. Will hold well in the cooler post-harvest for 1-4 days at 32 degrees F and high humidity.