The Small-Scale Poultry Flock, Revised Edition


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The first edition of The Small-Scale Poultry Flock helped thousands of small-scale farmers and homesteaders successfully adopt a practical and integrative model for working with chickens and other domestic fowl based on natural systems. In this expanded and thoroughly revised edition, readers will find plenty of all-new material. Author Harvey Ussery introduces readers to his new favorite breed of chicken, Icelandics; describes how he manages his breeding flock using a clan mating system; presents detailed information on the use of trapnests and record-keeping spreadsheets for evaluating breeding hen performance; and provides step-by-step instructions for construction of an ingeniously designed mobile poultry shelter.

Readers will also find fully updated information and tips on all aspects of flock management, including:

  • Growing (and sourcing) feed on a small scale
  • Cultivating earthworms and grubs as high-protein poultry feed
  • Brooding (and breeding) at home
  • Implementing manure management
  • Using electric net fencing for ranging flocks
  • Using poultry as insect and weed managers in the garden and orchard
  • Enlisting your chickens as garden tillers and compost-makers
  • Protecting the flock from predators
  • Keeping the flock healthy
  • Working with mother hens


Ussery presents a sustainable and ecologically friendly model that can be adapted for use at a variety of scales. His advice and examples throughout the book will prove invaluable for beginner homesteaders, growers looking to incorporate poultry into their farm, or experienced flocksters seeking to close their loop.