Digestive Health is the Secret to having overall good health. One of my favorite ways to flush the digestive tract is using Robert Scott Bell’s method for gut reset – take 1-2 Tbsp Sovereign Silver with 1-2 Tbsp Aloe Vera Juice. Drink this combination 1 hour before meals (3 times daily) to allow it to absorb into the gut and begin its healing process thereby reducing inflammation and many resulting gut issues. Then each evening take a 90 billion probiotic such as the Dr. Formulated ones we carry in the refrigerated section. After doing this protocol for 2-8 weeks depending on the severity of your issues, begin supplementation with L-Glutamine (an essential amino acid for bowel nourishment), digestive enzymes (to assist your stomach in breaking down the food – where 75% or more of the food content is broken down), and necessary minerals such as SpectraMin (an Ionic Trace Mineral Complex).