Grape Seed Extract – 60 ct


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Grapes are full of medicinal and nutritional value. Not only the grapefruit but even the leaves and vines are full of powerful anti-bacterial properties. Grape seed extract is a food supplement, extracted from the seeds and the skin of red grapes. The extract contains vitamin E, flavinoids, linoleum acid, and compounds called procyanidins also known as the concentrated source of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC). Circulatory and Vascular Disorders: Regular intake of grape seed extract is known to increase and promote better blood circulation, and has proved to be extremely beneficial to those who suffer from leg cramps, varicose veins, atherosclerosis‘. It helps to improve the overall blood flow in the body. Heart Diseases: As it improves the blood flow, it helps the heart pumping mechanism, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots as well as blockages in the blood vessels. It inhibits the development of plaque, high cholesterol, and chances of stroke get reduced. Diabetes: The antioxidants in the grape seed extract have helped many diabetics, by lowering blood sugar. People who have diabetes-related complications like retinopathy, a major cause of blindness, and nerve death have quicker healing when the extract is used orally. The extract has benefited people with inflammation internally too. Combats Sagging Skin: Procyanidins, the compound in the grape seed extract holds the collagen tightly together. Collagen is an important protein found in the body, especially for the good health of the skin, hair, teeth, gums, bones, and tissues. The bonding quality of the procyanidins promotes cell health and skin elasticity.  Other Benefits of Grape Seed Extract: Besides the above, grape seeds provide many other benefits. Their anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties help reduce the production of inflammatory compounds that cause allergic reactions in the body, like hay fever, and skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis.