Pro Cataracc Liquid – 1oz


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Newton Pro is a professional-grade product line administered only by health practitioners.  In order for clients to make a purchase, please contact us directly to work with Dr. Jocelin, Naturopathic Doctor, assess your health needs, and help you find the best matches including these amazing Newton Pro products.

Formulated for symptoms such as blurred vision, light sensitivity and opacities.

Directions: Ages 12 and up, take 6 drops by mouth one to four times daily or as directed by a health professional.
Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Arsenicum album 15x, Bryonia 15x, Calcarea fluorica 15x, Calendula officinalis 15x, Causticum 15x, Conium maculatum 15x, Euphrasia officinalis 15x, Hydrofluoricum acidum 15x, Iodium 15x, Ledum palustre 15x, Naphthalinum 15x, Natrum muriaticum 15x, Nux vomica 15x, Phosphorus 15x, Pulsatilla 15x, Sepia 15x, Silicea 15x, Thiosinaminum 15x, Zincum metallicum 15x, Tellurium metallicum 16x.
Liquid Inactive Ingredients: Purified water; Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane alcohol 20%.

PRO Cataracc Active Ingredient’s Use:
Arsenicum album HPUS: Spasmodic closing of the eyelids, sometimes from the effect of light.
Bryonia HPUS: Eyes tear during the day, especially in the sun.
Calcarea fluorica HPUS: Eyes ache.
. Calendula officinalis HPUS: Dryness in the margins of the eye lids.
Causticum HPUS: Eye lids quiver.
Conium maculatum HPUS: Sensitive to light and excessive tearing.
Euphrasia officinalis HPUS: Watery eyes; Frequent inclination to blink.
Hydrofluoricum acidum HPUS: Sensation as if something is in the eye.
Iodium HPUS: Pupil dilated.
Ledum palustre HPUS: Bloodshot eyes; Eyes ache .
Naphthalinum HPUS: Eyes are bloodshot.
Natrum muriaticum HPUS: Eyes itch; Sensitive to light and sunlight.
Nux vomica HPUS: Eyes bloodshot; Eyes sensitive to light.
Phosphorus HPUS: Eyes tear in the wind; Sensitive to light.
Pulsatilla HPUS: Weeping eyes.
Sepia HPUS: Red eyes.
Silicea HPUS: Sensitive to light, especially daylight.
Tellurium metallicum HPUS: Eyelids itch.
Thiosinaminum HPUS: Eyes puffy.
Zincum metallicum HPUS: Eyes tearful; Eyelids itch; Squinting.

“HPUS” indicates that the ingredient is in the official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.

Disclaimer: NEWTON product uses are based on traditional homeopathic practice. These products have not been evaluated by the FDA, and have not been evaluated for medical evidence.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if tamper-evident seal is broken or missing. If symptoms worsen or persist for more than a few days, consult a doctor. If pregnant or breast feeding, ask a doctor before use.