Training our Daughters to be Keepers at Home Book


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In a world where most homes have two sources of income and most women continue their careers after marriage, homemaking skills have tended to fall by the wayside. Many girls grow up with no clue how to maintain a home at all. Our culture has misunderstood the biblical concept of a woman’s role in the home, and have run to the extreme of completely abandoning the idea of homemaking altogether. Training Our Daughters to be Keepers at Home seeks to counteract this trend, and provides instructions and lesson plans for a wide variety of skills, from basic homemaking activities as well as incorporating lessons on character development.

How Does This Work?
This is a seven year course, intended to start at age eleven and continue till graduation. It’s basically a lesson planner, listing skills to learn and practice each week, accompanying instructions, books that go along with the activities, discussion questions for each section, and lists of supplies. It’s a very organized approach, and hard-working mothers, concerned about covering all the bases but who don’t have the time to plan out how to do it, will greatly appreciate the organized, thorough methods used in this curriculum.

The skills covered in this curriculum range from basic skills everyone should know, such as how to sew buttons and how to cook breakfast, to more specialized skills like taking care of animals and making soap. It also includes information on giving birth and breastfeeding, which some parents will deem unnecessary information for their daughters at the ages prescribed in this curriculum. The character building aspect focuses on the basics like serving and helping, but also in later years helps learn about finances and even some marriage preparation. It’s saturated with scripture and at all times maintains the idea of serving God and man through the skills learned.


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