Dr Jocelin’s Weekly Health Tip is on Garden Learning Tips.
Find our Gardening Books and other books at https://www.whitakersnaturalmarket.com/product-category/books/
Dr Jocelin’s Weekly Health Tip is on Garden Learning Tips.
Find our Gardening Books and other books at https://www.whitakersnaturalmarket.com/product-category/books/
Dr Jocelin’s Weekly Health Tip is a Special Invite to our 9th Anniversary Celebration!
Come join us this Sunday, December 8th from 10am to 5pm at Whitaker’s Natural Market!
In this week’s video, Dr Jocelin tells you the story of how they raised 500 meat chickens on their original farmland for their farm, Shomer Eretz Farm, for their health food store, Whitaker’s Natural Market in Bellville, Ohio. See how healthy the chickens are, understand the process, see how you can do it yourself even on 1 acre, and if you shop Whitaker’s Natural Market, see how your food is raised!
Dr Jocelin’s Weekly Health Tip is on how Local doesn’t mean food is Organic as well as details on our CSA program.
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